Add Support for CSharp 6 String Manipulation Format to Older Code

This article explains the changes that need to be done to support C#6 style string manipulation Format in older code.

In essence we want $"{Age:3P0}" to work and respect the 3P0 format.

Here are the changes:

Firefly.Box.Advanced.DataTypeBase class

  1. Implement the IFormattable interface in the class definition
 /// <summary>
 /// The base type of any type in Firefly.Box
 /// </summary>
-public abstract class DataTypeBase : IComparable
public abstract class DataTypeBase : IComparable,IFormattable
     internal DataTypeBase()
  1. Add the ToString method to the class
public virtual string ToString(string format, IFormatProvider formatProvider)
    return ToString(format);


  1. Implement the IFormattable interface in the class definition
/// <summary>
/// The Base class of all columns. 
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// Represents the basic storage of data, and it's interaction with <see cref="UIController"/>, <see cref="BusinessProcess"/> and the database.
/// </remarks>
-public abstract class ColumnBase : WizardOfOz.Witch.Engine.StateSaver, WhereMeaningfullItem, IFilterItem
public abstract class ColumnBase : WizardOfOz.Witch.Engine.StateSaver, WhereMeaningfullItem, IFilterItem,IFormattable
    string _caption;
    internal int _internalIndexInRow = -1; 
  1. Add the ToString method to the class:
public virtual string ToString(string format, IFormatProvider formatProvider)
     return ToString(format);

Thats it

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