Creating a simple screen

In this article we'll:

  • Create our ShowOrders UIController without any grid or data
  • Call the ShowOrders UIController from the menu

Introduction to UIController

UI Controller is a class that controls the UI interaction.
It is the equivalent to the Online program in the original application.

The video shows how to create a Folder and in it a Simple UIController and how to add it to the menu, run the application and call the controller.
In the next session the UIController will be explained.

To create a new Folder in the solution explorer:
  1. Stand on the Project where you want to create the folder and RightClick
  2. Select 'Add' -> 'New Folder'
  3. Give it a name
To create a new UI Controller:
  1. In the solution explorer right click on the Folder you would like to add the new UI controller to it
  2. Select ‘Add’ -> ‘New item’
  3. On the left pane select ‘Templates’
  4. From the Templates list select UIController
  5. Give it a name and press the Add button

Two classes are automatically created: The Controller class – where the logic is written The View class – the design of the screen (the window of the program) The two classes will be explained in the next session

To Add the Controller to the menu:
  1. In the Solution explorer go to the Views folder and DbClick on the ApplicationMDI.cs file
  2. Click on the Menu bar and give the menu a name
  3. Click outside the menu to save it
  4. DbClick on the new created entry - a new method is automatically created.
  5. Inside this method call the Controller by typing new FolderName.[SubFolderName].ClassName().Run()
private void ApplicationMdi_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
    new Training.SimpleScreen.ShowOrders().Run();

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