Error Events

In Magic you have the option to trap database errors by an error event in order to handle the eror in a different way or register the error. In Firefly these are called database error handlers. See also: for more information on how you can adjust the error handling in Firefly yourself.

Add the following 'using' to your program (if not already present):

using Firefly.Box.Data.DataProvider; 

And if also not already present add:


Sample code on how to add a error handler:

void InitializeHandlers()
    Handlers.AddDatabaseErrorHandler(DatabaseErrorType.RowWasChangedSinceLoaded, HandlerScope.CurrentContext).Invokes += e =>
        e.HandlingStrategy = DatabaseErrorHandlingStrategy.Ignore;
        Common.ShowDatabaseErrorMessage = false;
        e.Handled = true;

Firefly error handlers

The error trapping options are (Magic compared to Firefly):


# Error: Val DatabaseErrorType Remark
1 Any Error 0 AllErrors Represents any and all errors
2 Locked Row 3 LockedRow An attempt to lock a row failed because the row is already locked by another session
3 Duplicate index 2 DuplicateIndex Occurs when values are updated or inserted to the database, and a unique contraint in the database is violated
4 Constraint failure 5 ConstraintFailed
5 Trigger failure 10 TriggerFailed
6 Record has been updated 7 RowWasChangedSinceLoaded
7 Record changed by another user 14 UpdatedRowWasChangedSinceLoaded
8 Insert/Update/Delete failure 4 DataChangedFailed An attempt to perform update, insert or delete failed for an unspecified reason
9 Unmapped errors 1 UnknownError An error that is not specificly defined
- 8 Deadlock
- 12 FailedToInitializeEntity
- 13 InvalidSQLStatement
- 11 NullInOnlyOnePartOfDateTimePair
- 9 ReadOnlyEntityUpdate
- 6 RowDoesNotExist <This handler is automatically added during migration if 'Unmapped error' is used in Magic>
- 15 TransactionRolledBack


Dir: Val DatabaseErrorHandlingStrategy Remark
As strategy 1 Default The default behaviour of the error
Abort Task 7 AbortTask The current task will close
Rollback and restart 3 RollbackAndRecover The transaction will be rolled back, and the task that started the transaction will try to recover according to the UIController.OnDatabaseErrorRetry property
Auto retry 2 Retry The operation will be retried
User retry 1 Default
Ignore 0 Ignore Ignore the error, and try to process
- 6 AbortAllTasks All open tasks will be closed
- 4 Rollback The transaction will be rolled back, and the task that started the transaction will be terminated
- 5 Throw The exception will be thrown and the transaction will be rolled back


Scope: Val HandlerScope Remark
Task 0 CurrentTaskOnly Only commands invoked by the currrent task are handled
Subtree 1 CurrentContext (=Default) Any comand invoked by the current task, or commands that were invoked by tasks that were called by the current task
- 2 UnhandledCustomCommandInModule Relevant for handlers that reside in a task that inherits from ModuleController

Contributor: Harry Kleinsmit.

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