Exercise - Binding Controls

  1. Add new UIController to the Exercises folder, name the new UIController ShowEmployeesDataInTabs.
  2. Set the Employees table as the main table
  3. Add local column type NumberColumn, name TabValue, set the default value to be 1 (use {}).
  4. Add a method, name it GetFullName, return type Text, return FirstName and LastName (remember to use trim and add an empty space).
  5. Build and go to the form designer.
  6. Add Employee ID and the method GetFullName to the top left of the screen.
  7. Add a Tab control to the form.
  8. Set the Data Property of the Tab control to the TabValue NumberColumn in item 3.
  9. Set the Tab control Properites:
    1. Set the Values to "1,2,3,4,5".
    2. Set the DisplayValues to "Personal,Address,Contact,Notes,Extra".
    3. Set the Style to Flat.
  10. Add the following columns to the Personal tab:
  11. LastName.
  12. FirstName.
  13. Title.
  14. TitleOfCourtesy.
  15. BirthDate.
  16. HireDate.
  17. Add the following columns to the Address tab:
    1. Address.
    2. City.
    3. Region.
    4. PostalCode.
    5. Country.
  18. Add the following columns to the Contact tab:
    1. HomePhone.
    2. Extension.
  19. Add the following columns to the Notes tab:
    1. Notes.
  20. Add the following columns to the Extra tab:
    1. ReportTo.
    2. PhotoPath.
  21. Save changes to Git.
  22. Build and test.

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