Exercise - Calling Controllers Across Project Scopes

  1. Using the runtime Developer Tools, Generate Entity C# add the Region entity to the NorthwindBase, Models.
  2. Build NorthwindBase.
  3. Add a new UIController to the Exercises name space in Northwind project, name it ShowRegions.
  4. Set the new Region entity as the main table.
  5. Build and add a grid that will show all the columns in the form.
  6. Save changes to Git.
  7. Build and test.
  8. In the customer project create a new folder name it Exercises.
  9. Add a new UIController under the new folder, name it ShowCustomerPerRegion.
  10. Set the Customers entity as the main table.
  11. In the Run method add a parameter : type Number name pRegionID.
  12. Add a where in the Run method to show only customer that have the same Region have the parameter, notice that you will need to use .ToString().
  13. Add the following columns to a grid on the form:
    1. CustomerID.
    2. CompanyName.
    3. Address.
    4. City.
    5. Region.
  14. In ShowRegions.
  15. Add a button to the screen, set the button text to Show Region Customers.
  16. Try to call the ShowCustomerPerRegion from the button click event.
  17. In NorthwindInterfaces project, under Customers folder, create a new folder name it Exercises.
  18. Add a new interface, name it IShowCustomerPerRegion.
  19. Set the new interface to be public.
  20. Add the Run with the same parameter definition as ShowCustomerPerRegion.(you will need to add using to Firefly.Box).
  21. build NorthwindBase.
  22. In ShowCustomerPerRegion add the interface next to the UIControllerBase.
  23. In ShowRegionsView use Create to call IShowCustomerPerRegion remember:
    1. Use the full NameSpace.
    2. Send the right parameter.
  24. Save changes to Git.
  25. Build and test.

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