Exercise - Control Properties and code navigation

  1. Close all open tabs in visual studio. (right click on one of the tabs and select close all documents).
  2. Open ShowProducts controller. in the OnLoad() find the View = () => new Views.ShowProductsView(this); using the F12 navigate to the code behind of the form.
  3. Go to the Form using the ShiftF7.
  4. Go back to the code behind using F7.
  5. Find the code behind controller parameter,Go back to the Controller using F12.
  6. Now when we know how to navigate from the controller to the form, go to the form and change the following properties:
    1. ActiveRowStyle of the grid to Border.
    2. AllowFocus of the CategoryName textbox to False.
    3. BackColor of the ProductName textbox to LightBlue.
    4. Font of the ProductName textbox to Bold.
  7. Save changes to Git.
  8. Build and test.
  9. Change the following properties of the grid control:
    1. RowColorStyle to AlternatingRowBackColor.
    2. AlternatingBackcolor to WhiteSmoke.
  10. Save changes to Git.
  11. Build and test.
  12. Notice that the grid properties override the textbox one.
  13. Change back the RowColorStyle to ByColumnAndControls.
  14. Save changes to Git.
  15. Build and test.

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