Exercise - Using Date to Filter Data

  1. Right-Click on the Exercise folder and add a new UIController named ShowOrders.
  2. Define the Orders table at the beginning of the controller class.(drag and drop it, holding the Shift key just before the drop).
  3. Using the Class Outline Open the Form Designer:
  4. Add a grid to the Form.
  5. Add the following columns to the grid:
    1. OrderID
    1. OrderDate
    1. ShipVia
    2. ShipName
    3. ShipCity
  6. Save changes to Git.
  7. Build and test.
  8. Go back to the controller of ShowOrders:
  9. Add a Where to display only orders from January 1996 up to the end of June 1997.
  10. Save changes to Git.
  11. Build and test.

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