Exercise - Inner Classes

  1. In ShowEmployees.
  2. Add two new local columns type NumberColumn:
    1. NumberOfCars.
    2. LatestModel.
  3. Build and add the two columns to the grid in the form.
  4. Save changes to Git.
  5. Build and test.
  6. Add a new inner class ,use contrp snippet, remember to tab after update every item in the snippet.
    1. Name = GetCarsInfo.
    2. Inherit from BusinessProcessBase.
    3. parent = name of the parent class ShowEmployees.
  7. Set the main table of GetCarsInfo to be EmployeeCars.
  8. Add a where to filter GetCarsInfo to the parent employee ID.
  9. In the Run method set the parent two local columns to zero.
  10. Override the OnEnterRow.
  11. Update the parent NumberOfCars to be accumulated by one.
  12. Update the parent LatestModel to the current row CarYear only if it's bigger. (use if)
  13. In ShowEmployees.
  14. Override the OnEnterRow.
  15. Add a call to GetCarsInfo. (notice that you need to send this as parameter to the class constructor).
  16. Save changes to Git.
  17. Build and test.

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