Getting the Wizard to add specific control types for specific Columns

public class Products : Entity 
    #region Columns
    public readonly Types.ProdID ProductID = new Types.ProdID { Caption = "ProductID", Name = "ProductID", Format = "N10", ReadOnlyForExistingRows = true };
    public readonly TextColumn ProductName = new TextColumn("ProductName", "40");
    public readonly NumberColumn SupplierID = new NumberColumn("SupplierID", "N10")
        ControlTypeOnGrid = typeof(Shared.Theme.Controls.ComboBox)
    public readonly NumberColumn CategoryID = new NumberColumn("CategoryID", "N10");
    public readonly TextColumn QuantityPerUnit = new TextColumn("QuantityPerUnit", "20");
    public readonly NumberColumn UnitPrice = new NumberColumn("UnitPrice", "10.3");

Or in a type

public class SupplierId : NumberColumn
    public SupplierId() : base("SupplierId","10")
        ControlTypeOnGrid = typeof(Shared.Theme.Controls.ComboBox);

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