Merge data from a table

Now, let’s create a program which will display data from a table.
We will use an HTML template for the program called WebProducts.html (right Click -> save link as)

  1. In Northwind, create a new BussinessProcess named "WebProcess"
  2. Add the Products table:
namespace Northwind
    public class WebProducts : BusinessProcessBase
        public readonly Models.Products Products = new Models.Products();
        public WebProducts()
            From = Products;
        public void Run()
  1. Add WebWriter and TextTemplate objects and initiate them in the OnLoad method:
namespace Northwind
    public class WebProducts : BusinessProcessBase
        public readonly Models.Products Products = new Models.Products();

        ENV.IO.WebWriter ioRequester;
        ENV.IO.TextTemplate htmlPage;
        public WebProducts()
            From = Products;
        public void Run()
        protected override void OnLoad()
            ioRequester = new ENV.IO.WebWriter();
            htmlPage = new ENV.IO.TextTemplate(@"c:\WebProducts.html");
  1. Add Streams object:
  protected override void OnLoad()
            ioRequester = new ENV.IO.WebWriter();
            htmlPage = new ENV.IO.TextTemplate(@"c:\WebProducts.html");
  1. Add the HTML tags:
  protected override void OnLoad()
            ioRequester = new ENV.IO.WebWriter();
            htmlPage = new ENV.IO.TextTemplate(@"c:\WebProducts.html");

                new Tag("ProductID", Products.ProductID),
                new Tag("ProductName", Products.ProductName)


The first parameter is the tag name inside the HTML template (case-sensitive) without the !$MG_ - <!$MG_ProductID>.
The second parameter is the value which will replace the tag during runtime.

  1. In the OnLeaveRow, Write the HTML page to the requester
        protected override void OnLeaveRow()
  1. Add the program to ApplicationPrograms.cs:
namespace Northwind
    class ApplicationPrograms : ENV.ProgramCollection 
        public ApplicationPrograms()
            Add(3, "Show Customers", "", typeof(ShowCustomers));
            Add(4, "Show Products", "", typeof(ShowProducts));
            Add(5, "Show Orders", "", typeof(ShowOrders));
            Add(6, "Print - Order", "", typeof(Print_Order));
            Add(7, "Print - Orders", "", typeof(Print_Orders));
            Add("WebDemo", typeof(WebDemo));
            Add("WebProducts", typeof(WebProducts));           
  1. In the project settings, based on the previous page, update the URL with the new public name:

  2. Build and run (click "Google Chrome" or "Internet Explorer")

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