Access Modifiers

Access modifiers are keywords used to specify the declared accessibility of a member or a type. It determines which code can use this class or method. There are four access modifiers:

  • private – only visible to code within class and inner classes
private void Run()
private int i; 
  • protected – also visible to code within class that inherit from this class
protected void Run()
protected int i; 
  • Internal – visible to any code within my assembly (dll/exe)
internal void Run()
internal int i; 
  • public – visible to any code
public void Run()
public int i; 


  • Classes are “internal”
  • Members (methods, fields etc…) and inner classes are “private”

Visual Studio shortcuts

Ctrl+K+D - Formats the code
Ctrl+. - Opens the Light bulb
Ctrl+, - Navigate to

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