Adding an Index

  • Add a member of type Index
  • Add the Index columns in the constructor using the Add syntax
  • Determine if the Index is unique, using the Unique property
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using Firefly.Box;
using ENV.Data;

namespace Northwind.Models
    public class Students : Entity
        public readonly NumberColumn Id = new NumberColumn("Id", "5"){ AllowNull = false };
        public readonly TextColumn LastName = new TextColumn("LastName", "30");
        public readonly TextColumn FirstName = new TextColumn("FirstName","30");
        public readonly Index SortById = new Index() { Unique = true };

        public Students()
            : base("Students", Northwind.Shared.DataSources.Northwind1)

Another index:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using Firefly.Box;
using ENV.Data;

namespace Northwind.Models
    public class Students : Entity
        public readonly NumberColumn Id = new NumberColumn("Id", "5"){ AllowNull = false };
        public readonly TextColumn LastName = new TextColumn("LastName", "30");
        public readonly TextColumn FirstName = new TextColumn("FirstName","30");
        public readonly Index SortById = new Index() { Unique = true };
        public readonly Index SortByName = new Index() { Unique = true };

        public Students()
            : base("Students", Northwind.Shared.DataSources.Northwind1)

            SortByName.Add(LastName, FirstName, Id);

  • Use the options, view by key menu entry to select the Index to use

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