Adding Cache

Use cache when you have a relation that is unique (returns only one row), and that returns the same row many times.

In our case we are accessing the Products table based on ID (it's unique, so it returns only one row) and we get the same product many many times (for many orders)

class CollectOrderDetails : BusinessProcessBase 
    #region Models
    readonly Models.Order_Details Order_Details = new Models.Order_Details 
        AllowRowLocking = true 
    readonly Models.Products Products = new Models.Products 
        AllowRowLocking = true,
        Cached = true 
    readonly Models.Orders Orders = new Models.Orders 
        ReadOnly = true 
    readonly Models.ExchangeRates ExchangeRates = new Models.ExchangeRates 
        ReadOnly = true 
    readonly Models.CategorySales CategorySales = new Models.CategorySales 
        AllowRowLocking = true 

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