Adding the first column

So if we want to add a new column, we can simply add the required code for it, this time from the View code:

partial class ShowView : Shared.Theme.Controls.Form
    ShowCustomers _controller;
    public ShowView(ShowCustomers controller)
        _controller = controller;

     void AddColumn()
        // The grid column
         var gcCity = new Shared.Theme.Controls.GridColumn() { Text = "City" };
        // The textbox 
         var tbCity = new Shared.Theme.Controls.TextBox() { Style = Firefly.Box.UI.ControlStyle.Flat };
        // The textbox data 
         tbCity.Data = _controller.Customers.City;
        // Add the textbox to the grid column
        // Add the grid column to the grid

Note the attributes uses for the column title and the textbox style

This is the result:
2018 02 07 15H26 47

The next article will use the AddColumn method in a more dynamic approach.

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