Creating a basic report
In this article we will:
- Create our Orders report
- Call the it from the menu
To create a new report:
- In the solution explorer right click on the Folder you would like to add the new report to
- Select ‘Add’ -> ‘New item’
- On the left pane select ‘Templates’
- From the Templates list select BasicReport
- Give it a meaningful name and press the Add button
Two classes are automatically created: The Controller class – where the logic is written The Layout class – the design of the report (the output of the program) The two classes will be explained in the next session
In the controller class:
You will add the logic of the report:
- What tables are used
- What the report actually does (the logic)
In the layout class:
You will design the way the report will look.
When adding controls to the layout make sure you choose from the Printing tab
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