End Task Condition, Evaluate Condition for End Task

Name in Migrated Code: Exit
Location in Migrated Class: OnLoad Method

Task properties end-task

Evaluate condition Values:

Magic Name Migrated Code Name
Before Entering Record BeforeRow
After Updating Record AfterRow
Immediately when condition is Changed AsSoonAsPossible

Example: Exit Before Row with no expression:

protected override void OnLoad()

Example: Exit Before Row with an expression:

protected override void OnLoad()
     Exit(ExitTiming.BeforeRow, () => Orders.ShipCity == "London");

Example: Exit After Row with no expression:

protected override void OnLoad()

Example: Exit After Row with an expression:

protected override void OnLoad()
     Exit(ExitTiming.AfterRow, () => Orders.ShipCity == "London"));

Example: BindExitAsSoonAsPossible

In most cases this exit condition will be translated to:

protected override void OnLoad()
     BindExitAsSoonAsPossible(() => Orders.ShipCity == "London", Orders.ShipCity);


  • The first argument is the condition.
  • The other arguments are columns that upon their change, the controller should reevaluate the Exit Condition.

See Also:

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