Exercise - Basic Report

  1. Using the Basic Report template create a new report and name it ProductsReport.
  2. Set the Products table as the main data source.
  3. Add relation to the Categories table.
  4. At the top of the class, find the layout and navigate to the layout code behind the form using F12.
  5. Using ShiftF7, navigate to the layout form.
  6. Add a nice title at the top of the report.
  7. Add the following columns to a grid:
    1. ProductID
    2. ProductName
    3. CategoryID
    4. CategoryName ( in the same column with CategoryID)
    5. UnitPrice
    6. UnitsInStock
    7. UnitsOnOrder
  8. Sort the report by the ProductName.
  9. Add the new report to the main menu
  10. Save changes to Git.
  11. Build and test

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