Exercise - Column Collection

  1. Run ShowShippers.
  2. Break to the developer using ShiftF12.
  3. In the Watch Panel add Columns.
  4. Notice :
    1. The number of columns.
    2. Columns names.
  5. Stop the application.
  6. Add the ShipperID and CompanyName to the columns collection.
  7. Run ShowShippers.
  8. Break to the developer using ShiftF12.
  9. Notice :
    1. The number of columns.
    2. Columns names.
    3. What is the missing Column?
    4. Notice The two local columns are included.
  10. Stop the application.
  11. Go to the Form and follow this steps:
    1. select TotalOrders textBox.
    2. In the Properties Panel find Data.
    3. Click the ... button,
    4. In the pop-up screen use the clear button.
  12. Run ShowShippers.
  13. Break to the developer using ShiftF12.
  14. Notice that TotalOrders is no longer part of the columns Collection.
  15. Stop the application.
  16. Go to the Form and follow this steps:
    1. select ShipperID textBox.
    2. In the Properties Panel find Data.
    3. Click the ... button,
    4. In the pop-up screen use the clear button.
  17. Run ShowShippers.
  18. Break to the developer using ShiftF12.
  19. Notice that ShipperID is still part of the columns Collection.
  20. Stop the application.
  21. Go to the Form and follow this steps:
    1. Set the ShipperID textBox to show the data from the ShipperID.
    2. Set the TotalOrders textBox to show the data from the TotalOrders.
  22. Save changes to Git.
  23. Build and test.

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