Exercise - Columns Recompute

  1. In ShowProducts.
  2. Add a new local Column, Type NumberColumn, Name TotalValueInStock.
  3. Build.
  4. Using the Class Outline go to the form.
  5. Use the Grid, Column Wizard and add the new column to the grid.
  6. Go back to the ShowProducts controller.
  7. Add this columns to the column collection:
    1. Products.ProductID.
    2. Products.ProductName.
    3. Products.CategoryID.
    4. Products.UnitPrice.
    5. Products.UnitsInStock.
    6. Products.UnitsOnOrder.
    7. Categories.CategoryID.
    8. Categories.CategoryName.
    9. TotalValueInStock.
  8. Use BindValue to set the value of TotalValueInStock to show UnitPrice * UnitsInStock.
  9. Save changes to Git.
  10. Build and test. (Change the number of Units In Stock and the check that TotalValueInStock is change).
  11. Break into the code using the Shift F12.
  12. Add TotalValueInStock.__RecomputePath the Watch panel.
  13. Expand the result and notice the result.
  14. Stop the program.
  15. Use Alt arrow up to change the Columns.Add of TotalValueInStock location to be the first one.
  16. Save changes to Git.
  17. Build and test. (Change the number of Units In Stock and the check that TotalValueInStock is not changing)
  18. Break into the code using the Shift F12.
  19. Check the TotalValueInStock.__RecomputePath.
  20. Stop the program.
  21. Use Alt arrow down to change the Columns.Add of TotalValueInStock location to be the last one.
  22. Save changes to Git.
  23. build and test.

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