Exercise - Control Events

  1. Close all open tabs in visual studio. (right click on one of the tabs and select close all documents).
  2. Open ShowProducts controller.
  3. Go to the Form.
  4. Expand the form size and drop a button by dragging it from the Toolbox.
  5. Change the Text property of the button to "Total Units"
  6. Create a Click event and display a message – "Total Units : will be displayed soon".
  7. Save changes to Git.
  8. Build and test.
  9. Bind the back color of the UnitsOnOrder textboox to show the following colors:
    1. Red if UnitsOnOrder equal to zero.
    2. Yellow if UnitsOnOrder is greater then zero and equal or smaller then 10.
    3. Green if UnitsOnOrder is greater then 10.
  10. Save changes to Git.
  11. build and test.

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