Exercise - Create new Entity

  1. Find the Models folder in the NorthwindBase.
  2. Right click on the Models folder and add new Item, select the Entity template, name the new entity EmployeeCars.
  3. Set the DataSources to be Northwind, (copy the DataSources definition from one of the excising entities);
  4. Add The following members :
    1. NumberColum for the EmployeeID format 10.
    2. NumberColum for the CarID format 6.
    3. TextColum for the CarManufacture format 30.
    4. TextColum for the CarName format 30.
    5. NumberColum for the CarYear format 4.
    6. NumberColum for the CarKM format 6.2C.
  5. Set the PrimaryKey to be the EmployeeID and CarID
  6. Build and go to RunTime.
  7. Use the developer tools to create the new Entity.
  8. Use F4 to insert new records:
    1. Add 2 Toyotas for employee 1.
    2. Add 2 BMWs for employee number 2.
    3. add 1 Lamborghini for employee number 3.

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