Exercise - Send Parameter result
The ShowEmployees class should look like :
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Drawing;
using Firefly.Box;
using ENV;
using ENV.Data;
namespace Northwind.Exercises
public class ShowEmployees : UIControllerBase
public readonly Models.Employees Employees = new Models.Employees();
public ShowEmployees()
From = Employees;
public void Run()
protected override void OnLoad()
View = () => new Views.ShowEmployeesView(this);
The run time version should look like :
The ShowEmployees code behind of the form should look like :
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using Firefly.Box;
using Firefly.Box.UI.Advanced;
using ENV;
using ENV.Data;
namespace Northwind.Exercises.Views
partial class ShowEmployeesView : Shared.Theme.Controls.Form
ShowEmployees _controller;
public ShowEmployeesView(ShowEmployees controller)
_controller = controller;
private void btnShowCars_Click(object sender, ButtonClickEventArgs e)
new ShowEmployeeCars().Run(_controller.Employees.EmployeeID);
The ShowEmployeeCars class should look like :
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Drawing;
using Firefly.Box;
using ENV;
using ENV.Data;
namespace Northwind.Exercises
public class ShowEmployeeCars : UIControllerBase
public readonly Northwind.Models.EmployeeCars EmployeeCars = new Northwind.Models.EmployeeCars();
public readonly NumberColumn AverageKM = new NumberColumn();
public ShowEmployeeCars()
From = EmployeeCars;
AverageKM.BindValue(() => EmployeeCars.CarKM / (Date.Now.Year - EmployeeCars.CarYear));
- public void Run()
- {
- Execute();
- }
public void Run(Number EmployeeID)
protected override void OnLoad()
View = () => new Views.ShowEmployeeCarsView(this);
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