Initialize Values Before the Execution in the Cached Controller

  • Now that we are using Cached we are reusing the same instance of the GetOrderStatistics class
  • We need to adjust the code of the GetOrderStatistics class to accommodate the fact that it runs multiple times.
  • Add a "Break Point" in the Run method, and review the value of Where for the several times you run this controller.
  • We can see that the where has multiple values
    2017 02 27 10H18 58

The Where Problem Explained

  • In our run method, we do Where.Add this means that whenever we run the code, a new condition is added to the Where.
  • In first run, the where is: OrderID = 10388
  • In the Second run, the where is OrderID = 10388 And OrderID = 10377
  • In the Third run, the where is OrderID = 10388 And OrderID = 10364 And OrderID = 10377, this condition doesn't return any row, since no row is both 10388 and 10364 and 10377.
  • To Clear the Where, before every execution, we'll use the Where.Clear method.
public void Run(Number OrderId,NumberColumn Count,NumberColumn Quantity, NumberColumn totalAmount)
    Count.Value = _count;
    Quantity.Value = _quantity;
    totalAmount.Value = _totalAmount;
  • Now that we've fixed that, we can see that when we are running the code, the values in Items, Total Quantity and Total Amount are always increasing.
  • That is because we only initialized them with the value 0, when the class was created and not before every run.
Number _count = 0;
Number _quantity = 0;
Number _totalAmount = 0;
protected override void OnLeaveRow()
    _quantity += Order_Details.Quantity;
    _totalAmount += Order_Details.Quantity * Order_Details.Quantity.UnitPrice;
  • So now we need to initialize them before every execution in the Run method. Make sure to do that before the call to the Execute method in the base class
public void Run(Number OrderId,NumberColumn Count,NumberColumn Quantity, NumberColumn totalAmount)
    _count = 0;
    _quantity = 0;
    _totalAmount = 0;
    Count.Value = _count;
    Quantity.Value = _quantity;
    totalAmount.Value = _totalAmount;
  • And now, everything works.

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