Inner Selects and Joins

To prevent the SQL Client from adding the A alias prefix to our Evaluated SQL Column, we'll prefix the name with the = sign

V_HasOrderDetails.Name = @"=isnull((
Select max(1)
From dbo.[Order Details] 
Where OrderID = Orders.OrderID

To refer to the correct OrderID column in the parent query, where Orders table is now referred to as A we'll change from

Where OrderID = Orders.OrderID


Where OrderID = A.OrderID

If you are using an older version of The migrated code (Before 19/4/2017) You'll need to make the following adjustments to the SQLClient.cs file

Around line 3046, in the constructor of the SQLSelectCommand class

public SQLSelectCommand(Firefly.Box.Data.Entity entity, SQLDataProviderHelper parent, IEnumerable<ColumnBase> selectedColumns, IFilter where, Sort sort, IEnumerable<IJoin> joins, bool disableCache, string entityName)
    _entityName = entityName;

    _entity = entity;

    _parent = parent;
    _where = where;
    _sort = sort;
    _columns = selectedColumns;
    _disableCache = disableCache;
-   _getColumnAlias = x => _parent._client.WrapColumnName(x.Name);
    _getColumnAlias = x =>
        if (x.Name[0] == '=')
            return _parent._client.WrapColumnName(x.Name.Substring(1));
        return _parent._client.WrapColumnName(x.Name);
    _getColumnAliasForSelect = _getColumnAlias;
    foreach (var j in joins)

        if (_aliases == null)
            _aliases = new Dictionary<Firefly.Box.Data.Entity, string> { { _entity, "A" } };
-           _getColumnAlias = column => _parent._client.WrapColumnName(_aliases[column.Entity]) + "." + _parent._client.WrapColumnName(column.Name);
           _getColumnAlias = column =>
               if (column.Name[0] == '=')
                   return _parent._client.WrapColumnName(column.Name.Substring(1));
               return _parent._client.WrapColumnName(_aliases[column.Entity]) + "." + _parent._client.WrapColumnName(column.Name);
            _getColumnAliasForSelect =
                column => _parent._client.GetColumnNameForSelect(column, _getColumnAlias(column));
        int i = _aliases.Count;
        int modVal = (int)'Z' - 'A' + 1;

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