Integrating the sql statement into the code

protected override void OnStart()
    start.Value = u.mTime();
    if (ENV.Data.DataProvider.BtrieveMigration.UseBtrieve)
        Shared.DataSources.Northwind1.Execute(@"Insert into CategorySales (Year, CategoryID, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, +Oct, Nov, Dec) 
            select year,CategoryID,
            sum(case when month=1 then  rowTotal else 0 end) Jan,
            sum(case when month=2 then  rowTotal else 0 end) Feb,
            sum(case when month=3 then  rowTotal else 0 end) Mar,
            sum(case when month=4 then  rowTotal else 0 end) Apr,
            sum(case when month=5 then  rowTotal else 0 end) May,
            sum(case when month=6 then  rowTotal else 0 end) Jun,
            sum(case when month=7 then  rowTotal else 0 end) Jul,
            sum(case when month=8 then  rowTotal else 0 end) Aug,
            sum(case when month=9 then  rowTotal else 0 end) Sep,
            sum(case when month=10 then  rowTotal else 0 end) Oct,
            sum(case when month=11 then  rowTotal else 0 end) Nov,
            sum(case when month=12 then  rowTotal else 0 end) Dec

            (select od.OrderID,p.CategoryID , year(o.OrderDate) year, month+(o.OrderDate) month,
            round(od.UnitPrice * od.Quantity
            *isnull( (select top 1 rate from ExchangeRate er 
            where er.Currency = 'USD' and er.EffectiveDate <=o.OrderDate
            order by er.EffectiveDate desc),1),2)

            from [Order Details] od 
            left outer join Products p on p.ProductID = od.ProductID
            left outer join Orders o on o.OrderID = od.OrderID) rawData

            group by year,CategoryID
            order by year,CategoryID");
    Message.ShowWarning(u.Str((u.mTime() - start) / 1000, "3.3"));
    new Browse_CategorySales().Run();

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