Introducing Cached

  • For every line in the ShowOrders controller, the following code gets executed:
protected override void OnEnterRow()
    new GetOrderStatistics().Run(Orders.OrderID, Items, TotalQuantity, TotalAmount);
  • this means that for every row
    • A new instance of the GetOrderStatistics class is created
    • The Constructor for the GetOrderStatistics class get's executed
    • The Run method of the GetOrderStatistics get's executed.
  • This can be wasteful in some cases
  • To avoid that, we can create the instance of the GetOrderStatistics class once, and run it multiple times.

the long way

GetOrderStatistics _stats = new GetOrderStatistics();
protected override void OnEnterRow()
    _stats.Run(Orders.OrderID, Items, TotalQuantity, TotalAmount);
  • By following this pattern:
    • The GetOrderStatistics class instance is created once.
    • The GetOrderStatistics constructor is executed once
    • Only the Run method get's executed for each row.
  • Since this is such a common pattern, we decided to create a way of doing it in just one line, by using the Cached method

the short way, using Cached

protected override void OnEnterRow()
    Cached<GetOrderStatistics>().Run(Orders.OrderID, Items, TotalQuantity, TotalAmount);
  • The Cached method, creates an instance of the GetOrderStatistics only when it's used for the first time, and then simply returns the same instance, so that we can run it again and again.
  • Review in the output window, that the Constructor get's executed once, while the Run method get's executed for each row.
  • Note - now we have a bug, since the values of Items, Total Quantity and Total Amount don't change for each row - we'll fix that in the next step

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