Lambda Expressions

  • Creating a method for each and every BindValue can become cumbersome

  • Imagine if we had 10 or 20 of these.

  • Also - to see the actual implementation of the method, we would need to go back and forth between our constructor and the GetDaysBetween and GetEndOfMonthOfFromDate methods themselves

  • Also every time we create such a method we have to think of a name for it, and than only use it once

  • That's why in C# they came up with a term called anonymous methods also known as lambda expressions

  • anonymous methods aka lambda expressions are methods that are written in line, where they are used

  • Simply take the C#6 style method without it's name and put it in place.

  • In our code we have the GetDaysBetween and GetEndOfMonthOfFromDate method that are only used once.

public class DemoLocalColumns : UIControllerBase
    public readonly DateColumn FromDate = new DateColumn("From Date");
    public readonly DateColumn ToDate = new DateColumn("To Date");
    public readonly NumberColumn DaysBetween = new NumberColumn("Days Between","5CN");

    public DemoLocalColumns()
-       ToDate.BindValue(GetEndOfMonthOfFromDate);
        ToDate.BindValue(() => FromDate.EndOfMonth);
-       DaysBetween.BindValue(GetDaysBetween);
        DaysBetween.BindValue(() => ToDate - FromDate);
-   public Date GetEndOfMonthOfFromDate() => FromDate.EndOfMonth;
-   public Number GetDaysBetween() => ToDate - FromDate;
  • Once you get used to it, it's easier to read and easier to write (a lot less code)

Multiline vs single line

  • A Single line lambda expression is written like this:
public class DemoLocalColumns : UIControllerBase
    public readonly DateColumn FromDate = new DateColumn("From Date");
    public readonly DateColumn ToDate = new DateColumn("To Date");
    public readonly NumberColumn DaysBetween = new NumberColumn("Days Between","5CN");

    public DemoLocalColumns()
        ToDate.BindValue(() => FromDate.EndOfMonth);
        DaysBetween.BindValue(() => ToDate - FromDate);
  • A multi line lambda expression is written like this:
public class DemoLocalColumns : UIControllerBase
    public readonly DateColumn FromDate = new DateColumn("From Date");
    public readonly DateColumn ToDate = new DateColumn("To Date");
    public readonly NumberColumn DaysBetween = new NumberColumn("Days Between","5CN");

    public DemoLocalColumns()
        ToDate.BindValue(() => FromDate.EndOfMonth);
        DaysBetween.BindValue(() => 
            Debug.WriteLine("Evaluating To Date");
            return ToDate - FromDate;
  • A single line lambda expression doesn't need the curly brackets, and it doesn't need the keyword return to return a value
  • A multi line lambda expression needs the curly brackets, and it needs the return keyword to return a value

For a deeper discussion of these topics see Lambda Expressions Generics and BindValue

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