More on Strings
Special characters in string
Special characters are not displayed as is.
To display special characters in string add back slash sign before the characters
For example:
- To display the quote sign in a message box use " before the quote
- To display a message with 2 lines use \r\n
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace Northwind.Training
class MoreOnStrings
public void Run()
MessageBox.Show("I'm a simple string");
MessageBox.Show("I'm a quote\"");
MessageBox.Show("Line one\r\nLine Two");
To display the backslash character double it: instead of \
use \\
MessageBox.Show("Windows Path: c:\\windows");
Or Alternatively: to display a string as is use the @ sign before the string
MessageBox.Show(@"Windows Path: c:\windows using the @ sign to use quites just say ""double quotes"" ");
The @ sign can be used also to display multi line text without the need to use \n in the string:
MessageBox.Show(@"I'm a multi
in many
Exercise : Data types
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