Optimizing Parent-Child Row Retrieval with Inner Select Helper

Retrieving parent and child rows efficiently is a common requirement in database-driven applications. For example, when printing orders and their details, the naive approach often results in multiple queries being executed—one for each order. This can lead to significant performance issues.

The Problem: Multiple Queries per Order

Consider the following code snippet:

class WriteOrders : BusinessProcessBase
    public readonly Models.Orders Orders = new Models.Orders();
    public readonly Models.Order_Details OrderDetails = new Models.Order_Details();
    public void Run()
        From = Orders;
        using (var fw = new FileWriter(@"c:\\temp\\orders.txt"))
            ForEachRow(() =>
                fw.WriteLine("Order: " + Orders.OrderID);
                var bp = new BusinessProcess { From = OrderDetails };
                bp.ForEachRow(() =>

This code generates the following output:

Order:      10248
         11,    12,        14.000
         42,    10,         9.800
         72,     5,        34.800
Order:      10249
         14,     9,        18.600
         51,    40,        42.400

However, the problem with this approach is that for each order, it runs a separate query to retrieve order details. This results in a pattern known as the N+1 query problem, where:

  1. The first query retrieves all orders:

    SELECT OrderID, CustomerID, EmployeeID, OrderDate, RequiredDate, ShippedDate, ShipVia, Freight, ShipName, ShipAddress, ShipCity, ShipRegion, ShipPostalCode, ShipCountry
    FROM dbo.Orders
    ORDER BY OrderID;
  2. Then, for each order, another query is executed:

    SELECT OrderID, ProductID, UnitPrice, Quantity, Discount
    FROM dbo.[Order Details]
    WHERE OrderID = @0
    ORDER BY OrderID, ProductID;

    This results in one additional query per order, leading to poor performance.

The Solution: Inner Select Helper

To optimize performance, we can use the Inner Select Helper, which allows fetching parent and child records in a single query. You can find the helper in this GitHub Gist.

Optimized Code with Inner Select Helper

class WriteOrders : BusinessProcessBase
    public readonly Models.Orders Orders = new Models.Orders();
    public readonly Models.Order_Details OrderDetails = new Models.Order_Details();
    public void Run()
        From = Orders;
         var ish = new InnerSelectHelper(this);
         var orderDetailsColumn = ish.ChildRows(OrderDetails.OrderID.IsEqualTo(Orders.OrderID),
             OrderDetails.ProductID, OrderDetails.Quantity, OrderDetails.UnitPrice);
        using (var fw = new FileWriter(@"c:\\temp\\orders.txt"))
            ForEachRow(() =>
                fw.WriteLine("Order: " + Orders.OrderID);
-               var bp = new BusinessProcess { From = OrderDetails };
-               bp.Where.Add(OrderDetails.OrderID.IsEqualTo(Orders.OrderID));
-               bp.ForEachRow(() =>
                orderDetailsColumn.ForEachRow(() =>

The Performance Improvement

This revised implementation retrieves all necessary data in one query:

        SELECT STRING_AGG(TRIM(CONVERT(VARCHAR, ProductID)) + '{|}' + TRIM(CONVERT(VARCHAR, Quantity)) + '{|}' + TRIM(CONVERT(VARCHAR, UnitPrice)), '{||}')
        FROM dbo.[Order Details] WHERE OrderID = dbo.Orders.OrderID
    ), '')
FROM dbo.Orders

How It Works

  • The query aggregates child rows using STRING_AGG, concatenating them into a single string with a {||} separator.
  • The ChildRows method then parses this string, making the child records easily accessible.
  • The ForEachRow method iterates over the parsed child records, avoiding extra database queries.


  • Eliminates the N+1 query problem: Instead of executing multiple queries, all data is retrieved in one request.
  • Improves performance: Significantly reduces database round trips, leading to faster execution.
  • Simplifies code: No need for a nested BusinessProcess, making the logic cleaner and more maintainable.

By leveraging the Inner Select Helper, you can drastically improve the efficiency of retrieving parent-child records in your applications. 🚀

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