Optional Parameters

  • By default, any parameter is a mandatory parameter in C#.
  • If we don't send a value into a parameter, Visual Studio will give us a Build error.
  • This is the message we'll get when we don't send enough parameters:
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  • To make a parameter optional, in it's definition instead of saying (NumberColumn Count) we say (NumberColumn Count = null)
public void Run(Number OrderId,NumberColumn Count = null,NumberColumn Quantity = null, NumberColumn totalAmount = null)
    _count = 0;
    _quantity = 0;
    _totalAmount = 0;
    if (Count != null)
        Count.Value = _count;
    if (Quantity != null)
        Quantity.Value = _quantity;
    if (totalAmount != null)
        totalAmount.Value = _totalAmount;
  • Optional parameters are displayed in the parameter information as surrounded by square brakes 2017 02 27 10H33 14
  • If we want to skip an optional parameter, we can use the null keyword to skip it when we are calling this method.

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