Refactor to Method

So I’ll probably need the “in” function to be used all across my application, so the best way to reuse it is to refactor it. Let’s create a method called “IsIn”.

static FilterCollection IsIn(TextColumn col, Text val1, Text val2)
    var where = new FilterCollection();
    where.Add("{0} in ({1},{2})", col, val1, val2);
    return where;

and use it, as following:

var o = new Orders();
return o.CountRows(IsIn(o.CustomerID, "TOMSP", "HANAR"));

OK, I like the usage, it’s simple enough (will improve it a bit more later), but what if I have more then two values? Let’s change the IsIn function, to support more then two values:

static FilterCollection IsIn(TextColumn col, params Text[] vals)
    var where = new FilterCollection();
    var args = new ArrayList();
    int i = 1;
    string inStatement = "{0} in (";

    foreach (var val in vals)
        if (i > 1)
            inStatement += ",";
        inStatement += "{" + i++ + "}";
    inStatement += ")";

    where.Add(inStatement, args.ToArray());
    return where;

In this code, we simply create the statement and arguments, according to the number of values received in the “vals” parameter.

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