BusinessProcessAllowUserAbort Property

Gets or sets the value determining if the BusinessProcess will listen to certain inputs from the user that will cause it to terminate.


Namespace: Firefly.Box
Assembly: Firefly.Box (in Firefly.Box.dll) Version: debug-master-v:33791
public bool AllowUserAbort { get; set; }

Property Value



Gets or sets the value determining if the BusinessProcess will listen to certain inputs from the user that will cause it to terminate. Those inputs are:
  • The user presses the Escape key on the keyboard
  • The Exit command is raised
  • The ExitApplication command is raised
  • The user clicks on another form that is open


Usage of AllowUserAbort
using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using Firefly.Box;

namespace TestFirefly.Box.Documentation
    public class DemoAllowUserAbort
        public void Demonstration()
            var label =
                new Label
                        Text = "This demonstration will demo the usage of AllowUserAbort.\n" +
                               "When the CheckBox is checked you should be able to stop the running process.\n" +
                               "Set the CheckBox, and click the run button to see the affect." +
                               "Try stopping the process by clicking the Escape Key, or by clicking on this Form.\n",
                        Width = 500,
                        Height = 50

            var checkBox = new CheckBox
                                   Top = label.Bottom + 5,
                                   Text = "AllowAbout",
                                   Checked = true

            var button = new Button
                                 Top = checkBox.Bottom + 5,
                                 Text = "Click Me To Run",
                                 Width = 300
            button.Click += (a, b) =>
                                    var bp = new BusinessProcess();
                                    var start = DateTime.Now;
                                    bp.AllowUserAbort = checkBox.Checked;
                                    MessageBox.Show("Starting The Process");
                                                          if ((DateTime.Now - start).TotalSeconds > 10)
                                    if ((DateTime.Now - start).TotalSeconds > 10)
                                        button.Text = "Completed - Click to run again";
                                        MessageBox.Show("The BusinessProcess completed without interference");
                                        button.Text = "Interrupted - Click to run again";
                                        MessageBox.Show("The BusinessProcess was interrupted by the user");
            var uic = new UIController();
            uic.View = new Firefly.Box.UI.Form
                                ClientSize = new Size(500, button.Bottom + 10)
            uic.View.Controls.AddRange(new Control[] { label, checkBox, button });

See Also