public class Command
Public Class Command
type Command = class end
using System.Drawing;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using Firefly.Box;
namespace TestFirefly.Box.Documentation
public class DemoRaiseDelete
public void RaiseDelete()
var jobs = new Pubs.Jobs();
var uic = new UIController
From = jobs,
View = UITools.GenerateFormWithGridFor("Display Jobs",
"Click the Delete button to delete the current row",
var deleteButton = new Button
Text = "Delete",
UITools.AddControlsToForm(uic.View, deleteButton);
//raise the delete command by the button
deleteButton.Click += (a, b) => uic.Raise(Command.DeleteRow);
public void HandlingDelete()
var jobs = new Pubs.Jobs();
var uic = new UIController
From = jobs,
View = UITools.GenerateFormWithGridFor("Display Jobs",
"Click the delete button, and see how the custom handler for the delete command"+
" takes affect",
var deleteButton = new Button
Text = "Delete",
UITools.AddControlsToForm(uic.View, deleteButton);
//raise the delete command by the button
deleteButton.Click += (a, b) => uic.Raise(Command.DeleteRow);
uic.Handlers.Add(Command.DeleteRow).Invokes += e =>
if (MessageBox.Show(
"Are you sure you want to delete this row",
"Confirm Delete",
MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.Yes)
e.Handled = false;
Command | Initializes a new instance of the Command class |
AdditionalShortcuts | Gets or sets an array of additional shortcut keys for this command. |
Enabled | Gets a value indicating whether the Command is Enabled. |
IgnoreIfUnhandledWithinBusinessProcess | |
Name | The Command Name |
Shortcut | Gets or sets a value indicating the shortcut key for this command. |
AllowParentViewAccordingToHandlerContext | |
BindMenuItem(ToolStripButton) | Used to bind between the Command and a menuItem. |
BindMenuItem(ToolStripMenuItem) | Used to bind between the Command and a menuItem. |
CreateTimer | Creates an time based listener to be used by the [!:HandlerCollection.Add(CommandBase)] |
Equals | Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. (Inherited from Object) |
Expression | Creates an expression listener to be used by the [!:HandlerCollection.Add(CommandBase)] |
Finalize | Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection. (Inherited from Object) |
GetHashCode | Serves as a hash function for a particular type. (Overrides ObjectGetHashCode) |
GetType | Gets the Type of the current instance. (Inherited from Object) |
InputText | |
MemberwiseClone | Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. (Inherited from Object) |
RefreshBoundMenus | |
SendObjectColumnEventName | |
ToString | Returns a string that represents the current object. (Overrides ObjectToString) |
UnbindMenuItem | |
UnhandledWithinBusinessProcess |
EnabledChanged | Occurs when the Enabled property has changed. |
Addition(Command, Command) | |
Addition(Command, Keys) | |
Addition(Keys, Command) | |
(Command to Text) | |
(Keys to Command) |
AcceptButtonClick | |
AlignRichTextBoxCenter | |
AlignRichTextBoxLeft | |
AlignRichTextBoxRight | |
BeforeControlClick | Happens when the mouse is down and before the navigation to the clicked control. |
BeforeWindowClick | Happens when the mouse is down and before the navigation to the clicked window. /// |
BeginEditingTreeNodeCaption | Begins editing the caption of the currently selected TreeView node |
ButtonClick | |
CancelMultiSelection | |
ChangeColor | |
ChangeFont | |
Click | Happens after the [!:Firefly.Box.UI.Advanced.ControlBase.MouseUp] event |
CloseForm | The user tries to close the form |
CollapseTreeNode | Occurs when a TreeView node is collapsed |
ControlValueChanged | |
Copy | Performs copy |
Cut | Performs Cut |
DeleteNextCharacter | Deletes the following character of a textbox |
DeletePreviousCharacter | |
DeleteRow | Deletes the current parked row |
DoubleClick | Happens after the [!:Firefly.Box.UI.Advanced.ControlBase.DoubleClick] event |
DragDrop | |
DragStart | |
Exit | Ends the task |
ExitApplication | Exit all open tasks and terminate the application. |
Expand | Used to display additional data on a certain control, or to display a selection list. |
ExpandTextBox | Displays a small form enabling the user to edit the textbox with more room. |
ExpandTreeNode | Occurs when a TreeView node is expanded |
GoToBottomGridRow | |
GoToFirstChildNode | Selects the first child node of the current row in a TreeView |
GoToFirstControl | Navigates to the first control acording to the TabIndex |
GoToFirstRow | Moves the cursor to the first row that fits the Where |
GoToFirstRowWhileMultiSelecting | |
GoToLastControl | Navigates to the last control acording to the TabIndex |
GoToLastRow | Moves the cursor to the last row that fits the Where |
GoToLastRowWhileMultiSelecting | |
GoToNextControl | Navigates to the next control acording to the TabIndex |
GoToNextPage | Moves the cursor to the last row on the grid. If already parked on that row, advances to view by the number of visible rows on the grid |
GoToNextPageWhileMultiSelecting | |
GoToNextRow | Moves the cursor to the next row that fits the Where |
GoToNextRowWhileMultiSelecting | |
GoToPreviousControl | Navigates to the previous control acording to the TabIndex |
GoToPreviousPage | Moves the cursor to the first row on the grid. If already parked on that row, advances to view by the number of visible rows on the grid |
GoToPreviousPageWhileMultiSelecting | |
GoToPreviousRow | Moves the cursor to the previous row that fits the Where |
GoToPreviousRowWhileMultiSelecting | |
GoToTopGridRow | |
GridColumnClick | |
Help | |
Indent | |
InsertChildNode | Inserts a new row as a child of the current row in a TreeView |
InsertNewLineInMultiline | |
InsertRow | Inserts a new row after the currently parked row |
MouseEnter | Happens after the [!:Firefly.Box.UI.Advanced.ControlBase.MouseEnter] event |
MouseLeave | Happens after the [!:Firefly.Box.UI.Advanced.ControlBase.MouseLeave] event |
MultiSelectAllRows | |
MultiSelectToNextPage | |
MultiSelectToNextRow | |
MultiSelectToPreviousPage | |
MultiSelectToPreviousRow | |
NoData | |
Paste | Performs Paste |
PlaceCursorAfterNextCharacter | Places the cursor after the next character of a textbox |
PlaceCursorAtEndOfLine | Places the cursor after the last character of the current line in a multiline textbox |
PlaceCursorAtEndOfTextBox | Places the cursor after the last character of a textbox |
PlaceCursorAtNextLineInMultiline | |
PlaceCursorAtPreviousLineInMultiline | |
PlaceCursorAtStartOfLine | Places the cursor before the first character of the current line in a multiline textbox |
PlaceCursorAtStartOfTextBox | Places the cursor before the first character of a textbox |
PlaceCursorBeforeNextWord | Places the cursor before the next word of a textbox |
PlaceCursorBeforePreviousCharacter | Places the cursor before the previous character of a textbox |
PlaceCursorBeforeWord | Places the cursor before the current word of a textbox |
RefreshDisplayedData | Reloads all the rows displayed on the current form. |
RefreshSubForm | |
ReloadData | Reload the data of the task from the database. |
RepaintForm | Causes the Form to invalidate, and it's entire content redrawn. |
SaveCurrentRow | Saves the current row to the database |
Select | |
SelectAll | Selects all the characters in a textbox |
SelectNextCharacter | Selects the following character of a textbox |
SelectNextTabPage | Selects the next tab page of a TabControl that is on the current Form |
SelectPreviousTabPage | Selects the previous tab page of a TabControl that is on the current Form |
SelectToFirstCharacter | Selects all characters of a textbox until the current carret position |
SelectToLastCharacter | Selects all characters of a textbox from the current carret position until the last character |
SetFocusedControlValueSameAsInPreviousRow | Copies the value of a column in a new row, from the previous row. |
SetFocusedControlValueToNull | Sets the value of the currently edited control to null. |
SwitchToBrowseActivity | Switches the current Activity to Browse |
SwitchToInsertActivity | Switches the current Activity to Insert |
SwitchToUpdateActivity | Switches the current Activity to Update |
ToggleCurrentRowMultiSelection | |
ToggleRichTextBoxBullet | |
UndoChangesInRow | Undo all the changes performed to the current row, since it was loaded. |
UndoChangesInRowAndExit | Undo all the changes and ends the task. |
UndoEditing | Returns the data in the control to the state it was before the control was entered |
WindowMove | |
WindowResize |