Relation Cache - Scope

In this video we discuss the scope of Cache for a relation and how to extend it

public class DemoCache : BusinessProcessBase
  public DemoCache()
    Entities.Add(new Models.Shippers());
  protected override void OnStart()
    for (int i=0; i < 10; i++)
-     new Child().Run();
  public class Child : BusinessProcessBase
    Models.Shippers Shippers = new Models.Shippers()
      Cache = true
      , KeepCacheAliveAfterExit = true


  1. Replace new with Cached on the call.
  2. Add KeepCacheAliveAfterExit = true to the Entities you want to cache
  3. Add the entity that you want to cache - to the parent controller you want to cache it in using Entities.Add
  • It doesn't have to be the direct parent, it can be 1 ore more levels up in the stack (grand parent etc...)
  • If the entity is already in use in the parent (in a From or a Relations.Add) , you don't need to add it again

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