Take control over ColumnsWizard

We start by setting up our form object the root of all forms:


We will override the 'AfterWizardAddedControl' method

using Firefly.Box.Data.Advanced;
using Firefly.Box.UI;
using Firefly.Box.UI.Advanced;

namespace Northwind.Shared.Theme.Controls
    public partial class Form : ENV.UI.Form 
        /// <summary>Form</summary>
        public Form()
            Icon = ENV.Common.DefaultIcon;
            DefaultLabelType = typeof(Label);
            DefaultTextBoxType = typeof(TextBox);
        public override void AfterWizardAddedControl(Firefly.Box.UI.Label label, InputControlBase control, ColumnBase column)
            base.AfterWizardAddedControl(label, control, column);

This method allow us to take more control on how the items we are adding to the form are going to look or behave: I.E. If I will like all labels to have a suffix of ':' , I can add that here:

using Firefly.Box.Data.Advanced;
using Firefly.Box.UI;
using Firefly.Box.UI.Advanced;

namespace Northwind.Shared.Theme.Controls
    public partial class Form : ENV.UI.Form 
        /// <summary>Form</summary>
        public Form()
            Icon = ENV.Common.DefaultIcon;
            DefaultLabelType = typeof(Label);
            DefaultTextBoxType = typeof(TextBox);
        public override void AfterWizardAddedControl(Firefly.Box.UI.Label label, InputControlBase control, ColumnBase column)
            label.Text += " :";
            base.AfterWizardAddedControl(label, control, column);

Now when I use the columnWizard to add columns the end result will be: 20


Also notice that our product Id column was add as comboBox:


Set a local column to be comboBox

Just add a local column to your controller and set the ControlType to be typeof comboBox, this is a new option that you may not have.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Drawing;
using Firefly.Box;
using ENV;
using ENV.Data;

namespace Northwind
    public class DemoProductIDType : UIControllerBase

        public readonly Models.Order_Details Order_Details = new Models.Order_Details();

        public readonly NumberColumn MyNewComboBox = new NumberColumn() { ControlType = typeof(Shared.Theme.Controls.ComboBox)};

        public DemoProductIDType()
            From = Order_Details;

        public void Run()

        protected override void OnLoad()
            View = () => new Views.DemoProductIDTypeView(this);

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