UI Controller Life cycle

  1. Open the ShowProducts class.
  2. Add to the top of the class a using for System.Diagnostics.
  3. Override the following methods and add a Debug.WriteLine to display each method name:
    1. OnLoad
    2. OnStart
    3. OnEnterRow
    4. OnLeaveRow
    5. OnSavingRow
    6. OnEnd
    7. OnUnLoad
  4. Save changes to Git.
  5. Build and test
  6. Run the program.
  7. Open the Output window and notice the Debug information.
  8. Go to the next row.
  9. Notice the Output window.
  10. Go to the previous row.
  11. Notice the Output window.
  12. Make a change to one of the rows and go to the next row.
  13. Notice the Output window.
  14. Exit ShowProducts.
  15. Notice the Output window.

How to open the output windows:
Open Output Window

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