Introduction to UI Controller - Summary Exercise

  1. Under the Exercise folder add a new UIController named it ShowOrderDetails.
  2. Define the Order_Details table at the beginning of the controller class.(use the snippit mem and then hit the tab key twice ).
  3. In the constructor use the From to set the Order_Details to be the class main table.
  4. Build and open the form designer (F12 or go to Definition from the Onload View and then right-click and select View Designer).
  5. Add a grid with all the columns from the OrderDetails table.
  6. Add a new menu entry calling ShowOrderDetails.
  7. Save changes to Git.
  8. Build and test.
  9. Going back to the ShowOrderDetails controller:
  10. Filter the data to display only the rows where the UnitPrice is greater or equal to 20.
  11. Save changes to Git.
  12. Build and test.
  13. Sort the rows by the OrderID in descending order.
  14. Save changes to Git.
  15. Build and test.
  16. Add a relation to the Products table.
  17. Build and open the form designer.
  18. Add the ProductName next to the ProductID on the same column.
  19. Save changes to Git.
  20. Build and test.

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