Using the generic SelectionList utility

Creating a selection list controller for every time it is required can sometimes be tidious / monotonous.
So we have created a useful utility in the ENV.Utilities namespace called SelectionList.

In order to use it you need to:

  1. Remove the previous call to the SelectShippers controller in the _Expand method in the code behind the view
  2. Define a variable for the Shippers entity
  3. Call the Show method of the SelectionList utility, sending it 4 parameters:
  • The column from the controller, in this case the Orders.ShipVia
  • The Shippers entity variable
  • The code column, ShipperID
  • The description column, CompanyName

The code will look like this:

private void txtShipVia_Expand()
-    new SelectShippers().Run(_controller.Shippers.ShipperID);
     var Shippers = new Models.Shippers();
     ENV.Utilities.SelectionList.Show(_controller.Orders.ShipVia, Shippers, Shippers.ShipperID, Shippers.CompanyName);

This is the result:
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