
We want to have more control over the Orders rest API:

  1. We want to make the Order ID automatically set for new rows.
  2. We want to validate that the customer id exists.
  3. We want to validate that the shipper id exists.

To do that we'll create a View Model and manipulate it.

Adding a view model

We'll add a folder called ViewModels under the MVC root folder and in it we'll add a new item using the ViewModel template and call it OrdersViewModel

Solution Explorer After Adding View Models

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using Firefly.Box;
using ENV;
using ENV.Web;

namespace MVC.ViewModels
    class OrdersViewModel : ViewModel
        public OrdersViewModel()

Register the OrdersViewModel instead of the Orders entity in the Controllers\DataApiController.cs

static DataApiController()
-   _dataApi.Register(typeof(Northwind.Models.Orders),true);

Set the Orders as the From of the ViewModel

class OrdersViewModel : ViewModel
    Northwind.Models.Orders Orders = new Northwind.Models.Orders();
    public OrdersViewModel()
        From = Orders;

Make the ViewModel updatable

class OrdersViewModel : ViewModel
    Northwind.Models.Orders Orders = new Northwind.Models.Orders();
    public OrdersViewModel()
        From = Orders;
        AllowUpdate = true;
        AllowInsert = true;
        AllowDelete = true;

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