
Replace Inner Classes With Entity Method

The Entity class has many useful methods which you can use in new code, or when refactoring existing code. Some of the methods achieve in a few lines of code the same result as what used to be an entire task in Magic.


The Delete method is used to delete existing rows from the table that match the filter parameter. We can replace a full controller called DeleteShippers with two lines of code.


var Shippers = new Models.Shippers();


The Insert method is used to insert a new row to a table. It can substitute an Insert relation or a task with Insert activity.

We can replace a full controller called InsertShippers with just a few lines of code.


var Shippers = new Models.Shippers();
Shippers.Insert(() =>
    Shippers.ShipperID.Value = ShipperID;
    Shippers.CompanyName.Value = v_Name;
    Shippers.Phone.Value = v_Phone;


The Update method updates any row of the table that match the filter parameter.

We can replace a full controller called UpdateShippers with just a few lines of code.


var Shippers = new Models.Shippers();
Shippers.Update(Shippers.ShipperID.IsEqualTo(ShipperID),() =>
    Shippers.CompanyName.Value = v_Name;
    Shippers.Phone.Value = v_Phone;


The InsertIfNotFound methods works the same as an InsertIfNotFound relation. It inserts a new row to a table only if the row does not exists already.


var Shippers = new Models.Shippers();
Shippers.InsertIfNotFound(Shippers.ShipperID.BindEqualTo(ShipperID),() =>
    Shippers.CompanyName.Value = v_Name;
    Shippers.Phone.Value = v_Phone;

Note that we use BindEqualTo to use the ShipperID as the default for new rows that are not found.


The Contains method return true if the tables contains at least one row that match the filter parameter.


Return true if there is a product in the products table where the units in stock is less or equal the reorder level:

public bool ShouldReorderStock()
    var products = new Models.Products();
    return products.Contains(products.UnitsInStock.IsLessOrEqualTo(products.ReorderLevel));

See Also: Replace NotifyRowWasFound with RowFound and Contains


The ForEachRow method iterates on all rows of the table and let you add logic code that will be executed for each row. The method also accepts filter and sort.


Update all prices by 10 percent:

public void UpdatePricesBy10Percent()
    var products = new Models.Products();
    products.ForEachRow(() =>
        products.UnitPrice.Value *= 1.1;

Iterate all orders of a customer:

var o = new Models.Orders();
o.ForEachRow(o.CustomerID.IsEqualTo("ALFKI"), new Sort(o.OrderDate), () =>
    // dosomething

Count Rows

The CountRows methods returns the number of rows in a table. The method also accepts a filter.


Return the number of products:

public long CountProducts()
    return new Models.Products().CountRows();

Return the number of products in the first category (Beverages):

public long CountBeveragesProducts()
    var products = new Models.Products();
    return products.CountRows(products.CategoryID.IsEqualTo(1));


The Sum method returns the sum of a specific column of the table. The method also accepts a filter.


Return the sum of all units in stock:

public long SumUnitsInStock()
    var products = new Models.Products();
    return products.Sum(products.UnitsInStock);

Return the Sum units in stock of all beverages:

public long SumBeveragesUnitsInStock()
    var products = new Models.Products();
    return products.Sum(products.UnitsInStock, products.CategoryID.IsEqualTo(1));


The Max method returns the maximum value of a specific column of the table. The method also accepts a filter.


Return the highest unit price of all products:

public Number GetHighestPrice()
    var products = new Models.Products();
    return products.Max(products.UnitPrice);

Return the highest unit price of all the beverages products:

public Number GetHighestBeveragePrice()
    var products = new Models.Products();
    return products.Max(products.UnitPrice, products.CategoryID.IsEqualTo(1));


The Min method returns the minimum value of a specific column of the table. The method also accepts a filter.


Return the lowest unit price of all products:

public Number GetLowestPrice()
    var products = new Models.Products();
    return products.Min(products.UnitPrice);

Return the lowest unit price which is not zero:

public Number GetLowestPrice()
    var products = new Models.Products();
    return products.Min(products.UnitPrice, products.UnitPrice.IsGreaterThan(0));


The GetValue method gets the value of a specific column of the table, based on a filter expression. It can substitute a Find relation in your programs. If more than one row match the filter, the first value is returned (same behavior as Find relation). That is why the method also accepts a sort. One of the most useful usage of this method is when it is added to an ID type in the application, in order to get it's description, wherever the type is used in the application.


public class CustomerID : TextColumn 
    public CustomerID() : base("Customer ID", "5")
        Expand += () => new ShowCustomers().Run(this);
    Models.Customers _lookupEntity;
    public Text GetName()
        if (_lookupEntity == null)
            _lookupEntity = new Models.Customers();
        return _lookupEntity.GetValue(_lookupEntity.CompanyName, _lookupEntity.CustomerID.IsEqualTo(this));

See also: Replace Inner Classes With Entity Method


The Drop method drop the table from the database, similar to the DbDel function.


public void DropProductsTable()
    new Models.Products().Drop();


The Truncate method removes all rows from the table.


public void ClearProductsTable()
    new Models.Products().Truncate();

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