UIController Events


ActivatedOccurs whenever the UIController is Activated.
ActivityChangedExecutes whenever the Activity property of the UIController changes.
DatabaseErrorOccurredOccurs when a database error occurs and after all the DatabaseErrorHandler processed the error.
DeactivatedOccurs whenever the UIController is Deactivated.
Deleting Occurs when the user tries to delete a row.
EndOccurs when the UIController ends. Raised once for each Run method. Preserves the last row data.
EnterRowOccurs when a row is entered by this UIController and after that row was loaded from the database.
ExitingAfterFailedReactivatingInvalidatedControl Occurs when the the UIController is about to exit because a flow abort exception was thrown and there is no control to return keyboard focus to.
LeaveRow Occurs whenever the user leaves a row, before the RowChanged property occurs
LoadOccurs when the UIController is executed, before the Start event and before the database query is constructed. Raised once for each Run method.
PreviewDatabaseErrorOccurs when a database error occurs and before all the DatabaseErrorHandler process the error.
SavingRow Occurs whenever the user leaves a row, and that row is about to be saved to the Database.
StartOccurs when starts and after the Load event. Raised once for each Run method.
Undoing Occurs when the user tries to undo the changed in a row.

See Also