public sealed class UIController : ITask
Public NotInheritable Class UIController
Implements ITask
type UIController =
interface ITask
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using Firefly.Box;
using Firefly.Box.Testing;
namespace TestFirefly.Box.Documentation
public class SimpleUIController
public void Run()
var jobs = new Pubs.Jobs();
var uic = new UIController()
From = jobs,
View = UITools.GenerateFormWithGridFor("Display Jobs",
"A simple grid showing all the rows in the jobs entity",
UIController | Initializes a new instance of the UIController class. |
UIController(UIControllerAdvancedSettings) | Initializes a new instance of the UIController class. |
Activity | Determines the main activity to be performed in this UIController |
AllowActivitySwitch | |
AllowBrowse | Gets or sets the value determining if the Browse activity is allowed |
AllowDelete | Determines if the user is allowed to use the DeleteRow, Command to delete the current row. |
AllowIncrementalSearch | Determines if the user is allowed to perform Incremental Search while the Activity is set to Browse. |
AllowInsert | Gets or sets the value determining if the user is allowed to insert rows |
AllowInsertInUpdateActivity | Determines if the user can Insert a new row, while in UpdateActivity. |
AllowSelect | Gets or sets the value determining If the SelectCommand is enabled for the UIController |
AllowUpdate | Gets or sets the value determining if the Update activity is allowed |
CachedRowsInfo | |
Columns | Gets the columns that are used in this UIController |
CurrentHandledCommand | Return the currently handled command |
CurrentHandledControl | Return the currently handled control |
CurrentHandledKey | Return the currently handled key combination |
Entities | Gets entities that are associated to this UIController by the From property and Relations property |
ExitedBecauseThereAreNoRowsAndInsertActivityIsNotAllowed | |
ForceSaveRow | Forces the UIController to perform the SavingRow event, when the user leaves the row. Overrides the default SavingRow event rules |
From | Determines the Entity who's rows the UIController will perform it's iteration on. |
GoToToNextRowAfterLastControl | Gets or sets the value determining if when the user is parked on the last column, and presses tab, he will automatically move to the next row. |
Handlers | Gets the UIController's handlers |
InTransaction | Gets the value determining if a transaction is currently open. |
KeepViewVisibleAfterExit | Gets or sets the value determining if the UIController's form should remain visible after the UIController exits. |
Module | Gets or sets the value determining the ModuleController to whom this UIController is associated |
NoData | |
NonDbWhere | This Where will always be evaluated in memory and may have performance implications |
OrderBy | Gets or sets the value determining order in which the rows are ordered |
PreloadData | |
ReevaluateBindValueAndRelationsOnEnterRow | |
Relations | Get this UIController relations |
ReloadDataAfterSavingRow | Gets or sets the value determining if whenever a row is left, all the displays rows in the grid are reevaluated. |
ReloadDataAfterUpdatingOrderByColumns | |
ReloadDataOnReEntry | |
RowChanged | Gets the value determining REEDITindicating that the current row was changed, and will be save to the database, after the SavingRow event will execute. |
RowLocking | Gets or sets the value determining the UIController's row locking strategy |
SortOnIncrementalSearch | Gets or sets the value determining if when the user uses the incremental search, the OrderBy will change to match to column the user is searching on. |
StartFromFirstRowIfStartOnRowWhereFails | |
StartFromLastRow | Gets or sets the value determining If the UIController should start from the last row. |
StartOnRowWhere | Determines the row on which the UIController will start on. |
SwitchToInsertWhenNoRows | Gets or sets the value determining if when no rows are found, the UIController will switch to insert activity automatically. |
Title | Gets or sets the UIController's title |
TransactionScope | Gets or sets the value determining the UIController's transaction scope |
TransactionType | |
View | The main form of this UIController. This Form will be displayed when the Run will be called. |
Where | Gets the value determining the filter that will be applied on the rows of this UIController. |
AddAllColumns | Adds all the columns of the Entity determined in the From property, and all the entities specified in the Relations property to the Columns property collection. |
BindAllowActivitySwitch | Sets an expression that will determine the value of the AllowActivitySwitch property. |
BindAllowBrowse | Sets an expression that will determine the value of the AllowBrowse property. |
BindAllowDelete | Sets an expression that will determine the value of the AllowDelete property. |
BindAllowIncrementalSearch | Sets an expression that will determine the value of the AllowIncrementalSearch property. |
BindAllowInsert | Sets an expression that will determine the value of the AllowInsert property. |
BindAllowUpdate | Sets an expression that will determine the value of the AllowUpdate property. |
BindForceSaveRow | Sets an expression that will determine the value of the ForceSaveRow property. |
BindGoToToNextRowAfterLastControl | Sets an expression that will determine the value of the GoToToNextRowAfterLastControl property. |
BindKeepViewVisibleAfterExit | Sets an expression that will determine the value of the KeepViewVisibleAfterExit property. |
BindReloadDataAfterSavingRow | Sets an expression that will determine the value of the ReloadDataAfterSavingRow property. |
BindSortOnIncrementalSearch | Sets an expression that will determine the value of the SortOnIncrementalSearch property. |
DeleteRowAfterLeavingItIf | Sets an expression that determines if the current row will be deleted once left. |
DeltaOf | Returns The delta between the value of expression before the EnterRow event, and the current value of expression |
DenyUndoForCurrentRow | |
Equals | Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. (Inherited from Object) |
Exit | Instructs the UIController to exit. |
Exit(ExitTiming) | Instructs the UIController to exit. |
Exit(ExitTiming, FuncBoolean) | Instructs the UIController to exit. |
GetHashCode | Serves as the default hash function. (Inherited from Object) |
GetType | Gets the Type of the current instance. (Inherited from Object) |
Invoke(Action) | Invokes a action that will be handled by an Handler. |
Invoke(CommandWithArgs) | Invokes a command that will be handled by an Handler. |
Invoke(Command, Object) | Invokes a command that will be handled by an Handler. |
Invoke(Keys, Object) | Invokes a keyCombination that will be handled by an Handler. |
Invoke(String, Object) | Invokes a customCommandKey that will be handled by an Handler. |
InvokeT(Command, ArrayColumnT) | |
InvokeT(Keys, ArrayColumnT) | |
InvokeT(String, ArrayColumnT) | |
LockCurrentRow | Locks the current row for the Entity specified in the From property , and all the entities specified in the Relations property collection. |
MarkRowAsChanged | |
Raise(CommandWithArgs) | Raises a command that will be handled by an Handler. |
Raise(Command, Object) | Raises a command that will be handled by an Handler. |
Raise(Keys, Object) | Raises a keyCombination that will be handled by an Handler. |
Raise(String, Object) | Raises a customCommandKey that will be handled by an Handler. |
RaiseT(Command, ArrayColumnT) | |
RaiseT(Keys, ArrayColumnT) | |
RaiseT(String, ArrayColumnT) | |
ReadAllRows | |
RefreshWhere | |
Run | Runs the UIController. |
SaveRowAndDo | Saves the current row to the DB and performs the specified action after the row was saved successfully. |
ToString | Returns a string that represents the current object. (Overrides ObjectToString) |
VisitFlow | Used to determine the user navigation type, between the controls |
Activated | Occurs whenever the UIController is Activated. |
ActivityChanged | Executes whenever the Activity property of the UIController changes. |
AfterSavingRow | |
BeforeExit | |
BeforeIncrementalSearch | |
DatabaseErrorOccurred | Occurs when a database error occurs and after all the DatabaseErrorHandler processed the error. |
Deactivated | Occurs whenever the UIController is Deactivated. |
Deleting | Occurs when the user tries to delete a row. |
End | Occurs when the UIController ends. Raised once for each Run method. Preserves the last row data. |
EnterRow | Occurs when a row is entered by this UIController and after that row was loaded from the database. |
ExitingAfterFailedReactivatingInvalidatedControl | Occurs when the the UIController is about to exit because a flow abort exception was thrown and there is no control to return keyboard focus to. |
IllegalActivity | |
IncrementalSearch | |
LeaveRow | Occurs whenever the user leaves a row, before the RowChanged property occurs |
Load | Occurs when the UIController is executed, before the Start event and before the database query is constructed. Raised once for each Run method. |
NoDataStateEntered | |
PreviewDatabaseError | Occurs when a database error occurs and before all the DatabaseErrorHandler process the error. |
ProcessingCommand | |
RowChanging | |
SavingRow | Occurs whenever the user leaves a row, and that row is about to be saved to the Database. |
Start | Occurs when starts and after the Load event. Raised once for each Run method. |
StartOnRowWhereError | |
Undoing | Occurs when the user tries to undo the changed in a row. |